Serious Gaming

Serious GamesgamificationIcon

What are Serious Games?

Serious games are a type of game that use play to accomplish an important goal. For example, games used in classrooms would be considered serious games because they exist to help teach students. Despite their name, serious games can definitely be fun; and, in many cases, actually rely on it to achieve their goals. Today, serious gaming is being used to accomplish all sorts of objectives including teaching kids, promoting awareness, motivating employees, and many other serious goals.

How Does Skyless Use Serious Games?

Skyless Game Studios uses serious games to address major world issues. In many ways our products are like regular video games – for example, they’re fun! However, instead of being purely for entertainment purposes, they have an educational or philanthropic component. For example, our first product, Project SPARTA, is a training simulation for corruption investigators. It is set in a virtual world and immerses players in a simulated corruption case. We use the game world to make lessons more intuitive and fun for users. We also test the users’ learning through in game decision and challenge points. This type of learning is particularly effective because users must comprehend the material in order to proceed through the case, which the user is incentivized to do because the investigation is fun.