Yesterday we were mentioned in Technically Philly’s startup round-up for hosting John, a young, aspiring game designer with autism. He spent some time at our office learning about what its like in the video game industry. We also showed Josh some of the work our team was doing. This was all setup through an awesome organization called All About Abilities that sets up job explorations and other such activities to help young people with special needs.
Check out the story here: (we’re in the ‘Good Works’ section)
Mike Kelly, the director of All About Abilities, was also kind enough to present us with a certificate of appreciation for our help:
We were particularly happy to show off AssembleIt which we will also be demoing this Saturday at the Autism Awareness in Autumn event held by Exceptional Families of Exceptional Children at the Elmwood Zoo in Norristown.
All in all, it was a great experience for our team – we always love helping young people to learn more about making video games professionally.