Skyless’ New Mission Statement

Recently we’ve been working hard on capturing our company mission effectively in written words. It can be quite a challenge in business (and in all of life) to succinctly describe one’s purpose in a way that conveys not only the purpose itself but also the emotions behind it. Here’s what we cam up with:

Skyless Game Studios’ mission is to solve the world’s problems. So many of these issues are misunderstood, unknown, or even ignored. We believe that the route to progress is providing effective training for government officials and raising awareness amongst the general public. This is where Skyless Game Studios comes in, by tapping into the knowledge of experts on these issues and combining it with the interactivity of video games, we will allow users to learn not only about world issues but also how to start solving them. Through compelling storytelling, immersive gameplay, and topic expertise, we will inspire people to act.

We think this really captures not only the point of Skyless Game Studios but also the reason we’re doing this and how we’ll succeed. With this newly written mission statement in mind, we will be forging ahead in 2013 with our goal to make the world a better place.